Consumer Bites

The newsletter of the Health Care Consumers’ Association Inc.
Volume 11 / Issue 01 / *|DATE:j F Y|* 

Update from the Office

We have an exciting year ahead, with the opening of the new building at Canberra Hospital, as well as work on the design of new community health centres and the new Northside Hospital. The ACT election (19 October) provides us with plenty of opportunities to advocate for consumer interests. These interests include improving waiting times for elective surgery and access to outpatient appointments. We are also looking forward to the development of the work plan for the Disability Health Strategy and advancing the work to improve navigation of the system for people living with chronic and complex conditions.
This year one of HCCA’s focus areas is improving the experience of health care for older people in the ACT. We are about to start working with Canberra Health Services on improving the pathways for older people through the Emergency Department. HCCA’s Health of Older People Consumer Reference Group will be a key group to provide advice to progress this work. If you want to find out more, please contact the office.

Aged Care Quality and Safety

Aged Care Services Complaints Report

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQCSC) recently released their first report exploring the complaints they have received. You can read the report on the Commission’s website here: Aged Care Services Complaints Report ( The ACQCSC has expanded their reporting on complaints about the experience of aged care in response to a recommendation from the 2022 Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

Every aged care service must have an internal complaints resolution process. Standard 6 of the Aged Care Quality Standards makes clear that people receiving aged care have a right to feel safe, to be supported to give feedback and make complaints, and receive a response to their feedback/ complaint.
On page 15 of the report, there is a list of the ten types of issues the Commission received most complaints about. The most common concerns were about administration and management of medication. This was followed by concerns about the personal and oral hygiene of the person receiving care, and concerns about the number of staff.

Aged Care Provider Star Ratings

Star Ratings (1-star to 5-star quality) for aged care providers help us compare the quality of aged care homes. Each aged care home receives an Overall Star Rating and a rating against 4 sub-categories:
  • Residents’ Experience – based on survey feedback from at least 10% of residents about their experiences at their aged care home.
  • Compliance – based on regulatory decisions by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
  • Staffing – based on the average care time residents receive from registered nurses, enrolled nurses, personal care workers and assistants in nursing.
  • Quality Measures – based on quality of care for pressure injuries, restrictive practices, unplanned weight loss, falls and major injury, and medication management.
You can find the Star Rating of a provider by searching online here: Find a provider |
There is lots of activity across the health system and we will update you as we hear of new reports and announcements.

Vale Maree Pavloudis

HCCA staff were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Maree Pavloudis. Maree was a strong advocate and supporter of HCCA work, and made great contributions to our advocacy in the areas of infrastructure and mental health.
Darlene Cox
Executive Director

In this email:


Infrastructure Update

Consumer Reference Group sets a new standard

We’re pleased to see the Canberra Hospital Expansion Consumer Group being recognised in this Canberra Daily news article. The group has done great advocacy work, and input from group members has led to many consumer-led design elements in the new Critical Services Building. These features will make hospital stays more comfortable for patients, carers, and visitors.
This advocacy doesn’t just make our local hospital better – ten of these elements are being added as standard requirements in the Australasian Healthcare Facility Guidelines. These include dedicated consumer power points and dimmable lighting in patient rooms, family lounges, and more accessible reception desks. All health infrastructure projects in Australia and New Zealand must follow these guidelines, so this is a big win. It is great to see the hard work of the group continue beyond this project!
You can read more about the way consumer involvement has shaped the expansion project here: Consumer groups – Canberra Hospital Expansion.
— Darcy Whitmore
Infrastructure Project Officer

Policy and Research Update

ACT Legislative Assembly into Climate Change and a Just Transition

The ACT Government is holding an inquiry into how the ACT can make a just transition to ensure that all Canberrans get the benefits of climate action.
The Terms of Reference for the Inquiry cover a lot of topics. You can provide input directly by sending it to [email protected]. Direct input is due by Monday, 19 February.
HCCA is providing input to the Inquiry, looking at the health equity aspects of climate (in)action. If you want to provide input to HCCA’s submission, please get in touch with Stephen at [email protected] or on (02) 6230 7800 by Monday, 5 February.

Review of Canberra Health Services’ Information Privacy Policy

Canberra Health Services has recently reviewed its Information Privacy Policy and is looking for input from consumers.

If you would like to see a copy of the reviewed Information Privacy Policy and/or provide input into HCCA’s submission please contact Stephen at [email protected] or on (02) 6230 7800 by Thursday, 15 February.
— the Policy and Research team
(Jess, Stephen, and Shivana)

Health Literacy Update

Welcome to 2024! The Health Literacy team has kicked off our year with a few exciting pieces of work we can’t wait to share with you. We have nearly finished some major updates to the consumer information on the Canberra Health Literacy Hub and some translated resources we hope to share with you in the coming weeks.
Earlier this month, Darcy, Pene, and C went on a walk-through at North Canberra Hospital to look at ways to improve how the hospital collects consumer feedback. It was great to be out at the campus in person and see some areas we haven’t visited before.
— the Health Literacy team
(C and Ivapene)

Updated Complaints Guide

We have updated our resource Take Action! A guide to health complaints and feedback in the ACT. The updates include information about the Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers that came into effect at the start of 2024. The biggest updates are in Factsheet 2: How to make a complaint about a health professional, including who the new Code of Conduct applies to.
Download the guide from our website.

World Cancer Day Online Talks

The Canberra Region Cancer Centre is hosting two online talks for consumers and health professionals for World Cancer Day 2024:
  • Navigating the fear of cancer’s return – Tuesday 6 February, 12:30pm to 1:30pm
  • Empowered choices: exploring the consumer’s role in cancer research and clinical trials – Thursday 8 February, 12:30pm to 1:30pm
You can register for the World Cancer Day Online Talks on Eventbrite.

Free Program for People with Chronic Conditions

Take Control – Live Well is a free 3-week program to help you find ways to manage your chronic health conditions. Sessions are once a week, online or in-person, and the program runs a few times each year. You can also choose to get 3 months of text message (SMS) support for up to 3 months after the program.
To see the dates and sign up, read the Take Control Live Well flyer or go to the Canberra Health Services website.

Consumer Involvement and Representative Opportunities

Consumer Opportunities

Please visit Consumer Opportunities on the HCCA website to learn more about, and nominate for, any of the following opportunities.

ACT Opportunities

North Canberra Hospital – Medication Safety Committee

 Closing soon!   Closing date: Tuesday, 30 January 2024

North Canberra Hospital is looking for a consumer representative to join the Medication Safety Committee. This committee works to ensure a safe, effective, and efficient approach to the use of medications at North Canberra Hospital, for quality patient care.
To learn more, please visit the Consumer Opportunities page on our website.
ACT Health and Mental Health Community Coalition – Outcomes Advisory Panel

Closing date: Tuesday, 6 February 2024

The ACT Health Directorate and Mental Health Community Coalition are looking for consumer representatives to join their Outcomes Advisory Panel.
The panel provides guidance and leadership to develop and implement a new mental health outcomes and performance framework for the ACT.
To learn more, please visit the Consumer Opportunities page on our website.
Canberra Health Services – Allied Health Directors Forum

Closing date: Friday, 2 February 2024

Canberra Health Services (CHS) is looking for a consumer representative to join the Allied Health Directors Forum. The work of the Directors Forum is to a provide a space for leaders from different Allied Health professions at CHS to work together for operational and cross divisional integrated leadership.
To learn more, please visit the Consumer Opportunities page on our website.
Canberra Health Services – Allied Health Professional Leads Forum

Closing date: Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Canberra Health Services (CHS) is looking for a consumer representative to join the Allied Health Professional Leads Forum. The Professional Leads Forum is responsible for guiding profession specific input into the planning of CHS and the overall health system.
To learn more, please visit the Consumer Opportunities page on our website.
Canberra Health Services – Expanding Endoscopy Services

Closing date: Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Canberra Health Services is looking for a consumer representative to join the Expanding Endoscopy Services PCG (Project Control Group). The PCG works to give an appropriate level of governance and guidance to the project team overseeing this infrastructure work.
To learn more, please visit the Consumer Opportunities page on our website.
Canberra Health Services – Bariatric Surgery Advisory Committee

Closing date: Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Canberra Health Services is looking for a consumer representative to join the Bariatric Surgery Advisory Committee. The committee assesses and prioritises patients for publicly-funded metabolic bariatric surgery.
To learn more, please visit the Consumer Opportunities page on our website.
Canberra Health Services – Women’s Health Service Nursing and Medical Service Steering Committee

Closing date: Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Canberra Health Services is looking for a consumer representative to sit on the Women’s Health Service Nursing and Medical Service Steering Committee. This committee is a strategic forum to plan and decide the future approach to the Women’s Health Service Nursing and Medical model of care.
To learn more, please visit the Consumer Opportunities page on our website.

National/Interstate Opportunities

Ahpra National Boards – Community Positions

Closing date: Sunday, 18 February 2024 (11:55pm)

Do you want to contribute to decisions regarding patient safety and the responsibilities of health care professionals?
Ahpra (the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) is looking for consumers to become committee members on one of 15 National Boards.
Information about eligibility, roles, and the application process is available on the Ahpra website here: National Boards – Community member. You can also download an Information Guide and Frequently Asked Questions document from this page.

Items of Interest

Vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) now available for people aged over 60

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has approved Arexvy, a vaccine for protecting against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

RSV is very contagious and usually causes mild to moderate illness. Symptoms can include a runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever, and aches. For young children and older people, RSV can cause more severe illness.

In babies and younger children, RSV generally causes a wheezing asthma-like illness (bronchiolitis), but can also cause pneumonia and croup. Older people are also more likely to develop severe illness and complications.

RSV has similar infection rates in older people to influenza (the flu), with 25,000 people aged 60 and over diagnosed with RSV in Australia last year. The National Immunisation Program currently provides free flu vaccines to adults 65 years and older.

The company that developed the Arexvy vaccine have applied to have it added to the National Immunisation Program.

To learn more:

Have you had experience with ACT crisis response services?

The ACT Community Services Directorate last year commissioned Social Ventures Australia (SVA) to conduct a review of the ACT domestic and family violence and sexual violence crisis response systems.
As part of this review, SVA are looking for people to interview who have experienced domestic and family violence or sexual violence and are willing to share some of their experience of the crisis response systems.
Participants will receive a voucher for $50 per hour in appreciation of their contribution to this research.
You can view the participant information and consent form online.
To register to take part, or to learn more, contact Mandy Ferguson at Social Ventures Australia: [email protected].

Public consultation for the review of chiropractic accreditation and competency standards

The Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia is the independent body responsible for ensuring competency and higher education standards in chiropractic in Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia.
They are currently reviewing these standards:
  • Accreditation Standards for Chiropractic Programs
  • Competency Standards for Chiropractors.
You can see the 2017 standards and consultation draft for the new standards here: To give your feedback, you can complete the Council’s survey, or email through your submission (or any questions) to [email protected].
**FREE interpreter services available over the phone via the Australian Government’s Translation and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450**
 © 2024 Health Care Consumers' Association Inc, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
100 Maitland St, Hackett ACT 2602
02 6230 7800

Consumer Bites is the newsletter of the Health Care Consumers' Association.
Please note that Consumer Bites provides a small snippet of health related articles our members might find interesting to consider, ponder and analyse. The HCCA does not purport to endorse any opinions or the veracity of claims contained within the articles.

Editor: Kate Gorman

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