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Contact these organisations if you need help…

HCCA is not able to provide individual advocacy support. We can provide some advice about who to contact if you are having an issue with your health care. You can find contact information for a range of issues on this page. ADACAS has information about a range of community support services in the ACT on their website.

If you would like to share your experience for us to use anonymously in our systemic advocacy and submissions, send an email to [email protected].

Complaints about health services

Disability, carers and older people

  • ACT Disability & Aged Care Advisory Service (ADACAS) – provides disability advocacy (including NDIS), mental health advocacy, carers advocacy, advocacy for older people and support with self-advocacy.
    Phone (02) 6242 5060, email [email protected] or visit their website at www.adacas.org.au
  • Advocacy for Inclusion – provides individual advocacy (including NDIS-related advocacy) and support with self-advocacy.
    Phone (02) 6257 4005, email [email protected] or visit their website at www.advocacyforinclusion.org

Mental health

  • Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support for anyone, anywhere in Australia.
    Phone 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online at lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat
  • Beyond Blue provides free private counselling 24/7.
    Phone 1300 22 4636 or chat online at beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat
  • Medicare Mental Health (previously known as Canberra Head to Health) provides free mental health support and assessment and referral to mental health services in the ACT. Phone 1800 595 212 or visit https://canberraheadtohealth.com.au/
  • Access Mental Health is the central point of entry to access mental health services in the ACT. This includes the community mental health teams. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone 1800 629 354 or 02 6205 1065 or visit their website.
  • Mind Map is a website for young people and their families to find mental health support in the ACT.
    Phone them from midday to 11pm every day on 1800 862 111 or visit www.mindmap.act.gov.au.
  • Meridian can provide peer-led counselling, psychology and inclusive health care for LGBTQIA+ people. Call 02 6257 0372, email [email protected] or visit their website.
  • QLife provides peer counselling for the LGBTQIA+ community. They are open 3pm to midnight, every day. Phone 1800 184 527, or chat online at qlife.org.au
  • 13 YARN provides 24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: Phone 13 92 76 or visit their website.


  • OneLink refers to a range of crisis accommodation for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Phone 1800 176 468 or visit their website.

Legal Issues

  • Legal Aid ACT has a free confidential helpline with paralegals who can provide you with legal information and help you find further legal help if needed.
    Phone 1300 654 314 or go to https://www.legalaidact.org.au/ for more services, including online chat.


  • Canberra Rape Crisis Centre provides immediate crisis assistance and long-term support for people who have experienced sexual violence.
    Phone (02) 6247 2525, text 0488 586 518, email [email protected] or visit their website.
  • Domestic Violence Crisis Service provides 24/7 crisis support and advocacy for people who are experiencing, or have experienced, domestic and family violence.
    Phone (02) 6280 0900 or visit https://dvcs.org.au/
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