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ACT Health: Feedback on Draft Restraint of a Person Policies

Published: 2016 Health Directorate Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA provided input on this policy in 2014 and are happy to see that some changes have been made in response to our feedback, including references to the National Safety and Quality Standards 2012, and notably details around the auditing and reporting of restraint processes, including RiskMan data seem to…

Senate Inquiry into the Medical Complaints Process in Australia

Published: 2016 Inquiries Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA is pleased to provide this submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Medical Complaints Process in Australia. Robust and accessible complaints processes are essential to the delivery of a high quality, safe, Australian health system that meets health consumers’ needs and is valued by us.

National Review of Pharmacy Remuneration & Regulation

Published: 2016 Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA commends the Panel for the Review on its broad and inclusive stakeholder consultation strategy, which included public meetings in major cities, country towns and indigenous settlements around Australia. It is critical to gaining insight into consumer needs and values in order to shape future planning for medicines policy in…

Providing Clinical Health Services in an Off-Campus Environment Policy

Published: 2016 Canberra Health Services Primary Health Care

Where care is delivered in the homes of consumers there is a balance to be struck between the needs of staff to be safe and recognition that the care setting is the person’s home and this needs to be respected. We appreciate that this policy focuses on how to manage…

ACT Health: Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Clinical Procedure

Published: 2016 Health Directorate Quality and Safety in Health Care

Consumer feedback has indicated that a number of people living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities who have been hospitalised at The Canberra Hospital since the protocols were in force have expressed concerns during and after treatment. This is a small number of people but we consider there to be value in…

Independent Hospital Pricing Authority: Consultation Paper on the Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2017-18

Published: 2016 Health Service Planning Out-of-Pocket Costs Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA's Submission to the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority's Consultation Paper on the Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2017-18.

ACT Health: Electrical Safety Policy & Procedure

Published: 2016 Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the ACT Health Electrical Safety Policy and Procedure for Safety with using Electrical Equipment and Power Cords – General.

ACT Government: Concessions Review Consultation

Published: 2016 Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA recognises the ACT context of current fiscal pressures and budget constraint in reviewing expenditure on concessions in the region, however we urge you to continue to look at these concessions through a lens of social inclusion, equity and equality. We are supportive of a streamlined approach to concessions in…

ACT Health: ACT Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drug Strategy

Published: 2015 Health Directorate Quality and Safety in Health Care

The Health Care Consumers’ Association welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2016-20. We recognise the importance of this strategy for health consumers and the ACT community.

ACT Health: Patient Information for ACT School Immunisation Program & Kindergarten Health Check

Published: 2015 Health Directorate Health Literacy/Patient Information

We would like to commend your team for developing this resource to increase understanding of vaccination and early health checks and the importance of children and youth health. The fact sheets also inform families and carers of what they can reasonably expect from their child’s participation in this program.

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