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HCCA Policies and Frameworks

HCCA Complaints Procedure

Published: 2022

This complaints procedure provides a framework for raising and dealing with complaints or grievances which arise from the work of HCCA. As a consumer organisation, HCCA is committed to seeking and incorporating feedback from its members.

HCCA Policies and Frameworks

Community Development Policy

Published: 2022

This policy outlines the ways in which HCCA staff, Executive Committee and members promote collective action to reduce health inequities and contribute to the development of communities in the ACT and surrounding region.


Take Action! Mental Health Complaints and Feedback in the ACT

Published: 2022 Health Literacy/Patient Information Mental Health Quality and Safety in Health Care

This guide to mental health care complaints is made up of 6 Fact Sheets. You can start with Fact Sheet 1. Is there a problem with your mental health care? by hitting the download button on the right.


Take action! Contact Directory for Complaints and Feedback

Published: 2022 Health Literacy/Patient Information Mental Health Quality and Safety in Health Care

Updated January 2024. The Directory lists contact details for the organisations that can help you with a complaint or a problem in health care and the complaints and feedback processes of most hospitals and larger health services in the ACT.


Useful Questions to Ask as a Consumer Representative

Published: 2022

This flyer tells you some useful questions you can ask as a consumer representative on a committee.

HCCA Policies and Frameworks

Chart: HCCA Representative Endorsement Process

Published: 2022

This diagram outlines the way HCCA endorses consumer representatives for committees.


Committee Inductions: What does a consumer representative need to know?

Published: 2022

This handout gives an overview of what should be included when inducting a new consumer representative on to a committee.

Position Statement

Health Literacy Position Statement

Published: 2022

Statement about what Health Literacy means to HCCA and what action we will take to build both individual and environmental health literacy in the ACT.


Factsheet: Trusted Health Websites

Published: 2022 Health Literacy/Patient Information

Our factsheet provides some tips on finding quality health information online and some trusted health websites for consumers.


Factsheet: Giving Good Directions in Health Services

Published: 2022 Health Literacy/Patient Information

This resource helps staff provide useful directions for consumers to navigate health facilities.

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