ACT Health: Electrical Safety Policy & Procedure
Published: 2016 Local
HCCA welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the ACT Health Electrical Safety Policy and Procedure for Safety with using Electrical Equipment and Power Cords – General.ACT Health: Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Clinical Procedure
Published: 2016
Consumer feedback has indicated that a number of people living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities who have been hospitalised at The Canberra Hospital since the protocols were in force have expressed concerns during and after treatment. This is a small number of people but we consider there to be value in…National Review of Pharmacy Remuneration & Regulation
Published: 2016 National
HCCA commends the Panel for the Review on its broad and inclusive stakeholder consultation strategy, which included public meetings in major cities, country towns and indigenous settlements around Australia. It is critical to gaining insight into consumer needs and values in order to shape future planning for medicines policy in…Senate Inquiry into the Medical Complaints Process in Australia
Published: 2016 National
HCCA is pleased to provide this submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Medical Complaints Process in Australia. Robust and accessible complaints processes are essential to the delivery of a high quality, safe, Australian health system that meets health consumers’ needs and is valued by us.Options for Assessing Performance against Aged Care Quality Standards
Published: 2017 National
Consumers and their families are making important choices about residential aged care facilities, which have many significant implications for their lives. Consumers should be able to access as much information as possible about the quality and performance of services in order to support their decision making process.ACT Health: Adult Mental Health Day Service Model of Care
Published: 2017 Local
The AMHDS principles of care include “person and family centred” and “safety and quality”, two elements that are very important to the Health Care Consumers’ Association. These principles are also consistent with the principles of trauma-informed care, the Picker Principles of Patient-Centred Care and the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.Independent Review: Accreditation Systems within the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for Health Professions
Published: 2017 National
Our submission to this review centres on the consumer perspective around these key issues, with a particular focus on the first legislated objective of the National Law: public safety and professional quality.Senate Inquiry on Private Health Insurance
Published: 2017 National
It’s hard for consumers to know what is covered by their private health insurance. Policies are complex and hard to compare, both for value for money and to minimise out-of-pocket costs. HCCA members have had a variety of experiences with purchasing and/or using private health insurance. This reflects a range…ACQSHC: Consultation on Patient Safety & Quality Improvement in Primary Care
Published: 2017 National
There is no doubt that the quality and safety of health services is important to consumers, HCCA members and the broader community. Consumers are keen to partner with health services to help ensure good communication, shared decision making, coordination of services, and to reduce the incidence of preventable patient harm…ACT Legislative Assembly: Inquiry into the Future Sustainability of Health Funding in the ACT
Published: 2018 Local
HCCA’s submission to this Inquiry suggests a number of opportunities for health services, health funders and consumers to work together to change the way services are delivered – with the aim of protecting the future sustainability and viability of the health care we value. The key message HCCA communicates in…