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Submission to ACT Government’s 2024-25 Budget Consultation

Published: 2024 Local

HCCA wants to see the 2024-25 ACT Budget address priorities in three key domains of health: 1. improving consumer access to specific support and health services; 2. improving the integration of care within the health system; and 3. supporting the community sector to meet demand for services.

Commonwealth Department of Health: Electronic Health Records and Healthcare Identifiers Legislation Discussion Paper

Published: 2015 National

HCCA provided a response to the Electronic Health Records and Healthcare Identifiers Legislation Discussion Paper 2015

Senate Inquiry on the My Health Record System

Published: 2018 National

Our extensive consultations with consumers suggests uncertainty and distrust about the MHR system. Issues around opting-out and informed consent, more generally, are particularly contentious.

TGA: Regulation of Software, including Software as a Medical Device

Published: 2019 National

Overall, HCCA supports TGA’s proposed changes to the regulation of medical device software in Australia. Our consumers feel that the existing medical device framework does not adequately address more recent (and future) advances in technology. TGA’s consultation paper recognises a variety of issues and proposes a range of regulatory changes…

Factsheet: Getting the Most out of Your Telehealth Appointment

Published: 2022 Local

Our factsheet contains tips and links to help you get the most out of your next telehealth appointment.

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