HCCA’s Priorities for the 2020 ACT Election
14 September 2020
We welcome the announcement from the Labor Party to increase the number of doctors and nurses (see https://www.actlabor.org.au/blog/act-election-announcements/400-nurses-doctors-and-health-professionals-for-the-act/). We know that demand for publicly funded health services continues to grow and we need funding to match population increase and the complexity of our health care needs We have called on all parties to commit to greater […]ACT Election Forum – Community-based Health Care
4 September 2020
On 28 August 2020 HCCA co-hosted the ACT Election Forum on Community-based Health Care with the Capital Health Network and the University of Canberra. The panel consisted of representatives from the all the major parties with ACT Health Minister, Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA from ACT Labor, Leader of the Greens and the current Minister for Mental Health, Shane Rattenbury […]Make the Most of Your Appointment – Telehealth or Face-to-Face
29 April 2020
Telehealth is the name given to health care that happens over the phone or via video with you and your health care practitioner. To get the best outcome from a health care appointment and especially if it is telehealth there a few things you can do before, during and after the appointment. Before the appointment: […]Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference 2019 by Kathryn Briant
16 March 2020
This was an interesting and inspiring conference that was well worth attending. As an international conference, there were speakers from many different countries presenting on a wide range of topics relating to overdiagnosis. Overall I have been thinking about 3 main messages from health consumers that arose from the conference presentations: We want our quality […]Keeping Consumers at the Centre of Medicines Use in Australia by Kathryn Briant
3 March 2020
A summary of a presentation made at the ISIUM Conference (Bangkok -January 2020) – People Improving the Use of Medicines: What We Know and Don’t Know Kathryn Briant, Health Care Consumers’ Association, Canberra ACT A case study – Anna’s Story Anna is 70yrs old, married and a loving grandmother, with a non-English speaking background. […]Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference (5-7 December 2019) in Sydney by Karin Calford
2 March 2020
Late last year three HCCA members attended the Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference (5-7 December 2019) in Sydney: Karin Calford, Russell McGowan and Kathryn Briant. The conference was co-sponsored by the World Health Organization. Wiser Healthcare was a partner organisation and they provided funding to support consumer participation at the conference. Wiser Healthcare is a research collaborative that conducts […]What do consumers want from patient portals? by Kate Gorman
4 December 2019
At our recent Members’ Forum we had a representative talking about digital patient journey boards. The presentation prompted many questions about digital health and patient portals. Since then I have had a few conversations with people about electronic patient portals. Consumers have been promised a patient portal for many years, dating back to the E-Healthy […]Better Understanding Dementia by Kathryn Briant
21 November 2019
Did you know that while dementia is most commonly associated with ageing, it is not considered to be a normal part of the ageing process? Only around 10% of those aged over 65 years have a type of dementia. But of all the types of dementia, about 90% of these occur in people over the […]Consent, information for decision-making and the Patient Journey by Fiona Tito Wheatland
19 August 2019
Fiona Tito Wheatland is the HCCA consumer representative on the Consent Working Group with Canberra Health Services. Fiona has been drafting materials to support the discussions. We thought that this document sets out consent issues as they relate to the patient journey really well and others would be interested to read this. There are a […]Parkinson’s is not a death sentence by Katrina Muir
5 August 2019
Parkinson’s is not a death sentence. The words which have stood out through my Parkinson’s journey are the ones I have learnt through my exploration of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way of being fully present and awake in every moment; a way of relating to all of life as it happens and changes. I got […]Page 4 of 6