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ACT Health: Feedback on Draft Restraint of a Person Policies

Published: 2016 Local

HCCA provided input on this policy in 2014 and are happy to see that some changes have been made in response to our feedback, including references to the National Safety and Quality Standards 2012, and notably details around the auditing and reporting of restraint processes, including RiskMan data seem to…

ACT Health: Feedback on the Consent & Treatment Policy

Published: 2016 Local

Overall there is support for the amalgamation of policies relating to informed consent and consent to treatment. There were particularly strong comments around the need to strengthen the consumer focus in the policy. There was concern that the policy did not adequately interpret the changes to legislation.

ACT Government: Concessions Review Consultation

Published: 2016 Local

HCCA recognises the ACT context of current fiscal pressures and budget constraint in reviewing expenditure on concessions in the region, however we urge you to continue to look at these concessions through a lens of social inclusion, equity and equality. We are supportive of a streamlined approach to concessions in…

ACT Health: Electrical Safety Policy & Procedure

Published: 2016 Local

HCCA welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the ACT Health Electrical Safety Policy and Procedure for Safety with using Electrical Equipment and Power Cords – General.

ACT Health: Adult Mental Health Day Service Model of Care

Published: 2017 Local

The AMHDS principles of care include “person and family centred” and “safety and quality”, two elements that are very important to the Health Care Consumers’ Association. These principles are also consistent with the principles of trauma-informed care, the Picker Principles of Patient-Centred Care and the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.

ACT Legislative Assembly: Inquiry into the Future Sustainability of Health Funding in the ACT

Published: 2018 Local

HCCA’s submission to this Inquiry suggests a number of opportunities for health services, health funders and consumers to work together to change the way services are delivered – with the aim of protecting the future sustainability and viability of the health care we value. The key message HCCA communicates in…

ACT Legislative Assembly: Inquiry into Maternity Services in the ACT

Published: 2018 Local

HCCA is a member-based organisation and for this submission we consulted with our members and with the HCCA Health Policy Advisory Committee. Our submission draws on experiences shared with us by twelve mothers of babies or young children in the ACT. This submission also draws on discussions with key community…

ACT Legislative Assembly: ACT Inquiry into End of Life Choices

Published: 2018 Local

Living is messy and so is dying. Despite our best efforts, we can rarely control the circumstances around death. This inquiry has opened an ongoing conversation about death and dying, but also quality of life, health care and palliative care. HCCA considers this to be a useful opportunity to make…

ACT Health: ACT Drug Strategy Action Plan

Published: 2018 Local

HCCA appreciates that ACT Health’s Population Health, Protection and Prevention area has invited consumer, community and specialist alcohol and other drug (AOD) services’ input in developing the Drug Strategy Action Plan (DSAP). We are heartened that there have been changes and additions to the DSAP since the March 2018 draft…

ACT Health: Violence & Aggression by Patients, Consumers or Visitors

Published: 2018 Local

Health Care Consumers Association (HCCA) has a strong interest in the safety of both staff and consumers. We are keen to see that violence and aggression is prevented and minimised across health services. Our key point to make about this procedure is that we believe that: Staff who feel safe…

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