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ACT Health: ACT Mental Health & Wellbeing Framework 2015-2025

Published: 2015 Local

HCCA is the peak health consumer organisation in the ACT and has extensive experience in the development of frameworks such as the ACT Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework 2015-2025. We see that there is work still to do to make this document meet the needs of the community.

ACT Government: Expenditure Review of the ACT Concessions Program

Published: 2015 Local

HCCA welcomes the opportunity to provide input into ACT Government Concessions Review. HCCA recognises the ACT context of current fiscal pressures and budget constraint in reviewing expenditure on concessions in the region, however we urge you to continue to look at these concessions through a lens of social inclusion, equity…

Community Development Policy

Published: 2022 Local

This policy outlines the ways in which HCCA staff, Executive Committee and members promote collective action to reduce health inequities and contribute to the development of communities in the ACT and surrounding region.

Take Action! Mental Health Complaints and Feedback in the ACT

Published: 2022 Local

This guide to mental health care complaints is made up of 6 Fact Sheets. You can start with Fact Sheet 1. Is there a problem with your mental health care? by hitting the download button on the right.

Take Action! Health Complaints and Feedback in the ACT Guide

Published: 2024 Local

Updated January 2024. This guide to health care complaints is made up of 6 Tip Sheets and a Directory. You can start with Tip Sheet 1. Take action! Health complaints and feedback in Canberra by hitting the download button on the right.

Take action! Contact Directory for Complaints and Feedback

Published: 2022 Local

Updated January 2024. The Directory lists contact details for the organisations that can help you with a complaint or a problem in health care and the complaints and feedback processes of most hospitals and larger health services in the ACT.

ACT Health: Patient Information from Gastroenterology Unit

Published: 2015 Local

In preparation for this feedback we circulated these documents to our members who have had a recent experience with gastroenterology, have an interest in this area or have an interest in health literacy and patient information. The feedback provided is the collated responses to each document. We would like to…

ACT Health: Review of Elective Surgery Access Patient Information

Published: 2015 Local

HCCA understands that improving elective surgery access is a very difficult task, but one that is of great importance for consumers. We consider that the consumer’s right to access, safety, communication and participation to be extremely relevant when addressing the issue of elective surgery.

ACT Health: Greater Flexibility in Prescribing Controlled Medicines

Published: 2015 Local

We are broadly supportive of the proposed items for discussion, however we feel the discussion paper is quite vague and it is difficult to get a sense of what the new draft standards will look like and how closely they will resemble the draft Controlled Medicine Prescribing Standards that were…

ACT Health: ACT Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drug Strategy

Published: 2015 Local

The Health Care Consumers’ Association welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2016-20. We recognise the importance of this strategy for health consumers and the ACT community.

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