Consumer Representative Opportunities
We are always looking for new consumer representatives. If you are interested in advocating for a better health system for all, please consider joining HCCA. Please note all HCCA consumer representatives must be members of our organisation and complete consumer representative training.
If you already know the details of the opportunity you want to apply for, you can skip to forms.
HCCA Internal Committees and Opportunities
None at present
ACT Opportunities
Clinical Research Rehabilitation and Translation Research Group
Closing date: March 28
The University of Canberra is looking for 3 more consumer representatives to join the Community Partnership Group of the Clinical Research Rehabilitation and Translation group. This group launched in 2024, to raise the quality and community relevance of research at the University. You can read more about their research here
Community Partnership group members are people with lived experience or carers of someone with a health condition or experience of clinical care or rehabilitation. Researchers will pitch a research idea or ask for the group to discuss a grant funding application, or results of a study or something that needs community perspectives. Members share their views, experience and opinions on these research ideas, research project designs, outcomes, or suggestions on how to make research more accessible for community members. For example, each meeting will have short presentations of some research, and a discussion about it from the perspective of community members.
There are 5 meetings each year. The term of membership is two years (2025 – 2026). There are also opportunities for members to be part of research project teams, providing advice on projects or as a community member of a research team. If you would like to join, or would like more information please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
As a consumer representative, you will bring your knowledge of relevant consumer issues to the discussions of the Committee. You will also need to read committee papers before meetings and seek perspectives from peers and networks to inform Committee discussions and decisions.
Download the Clinical Research Rehabilitation and Translation Research Group Terms of Reference Here
You can nominate for this opportunity using the online form, or by calling the HCCA office on 6230 7800.
Please note that you will need to have completed consumer representative training to be endorsed by HCCA to this committee.
For more information about consumer representative training, please visit How to Become a Consumer Representative on our website.
Canberra Health Services Bariatric Surgery Advisory Committee
Closing Date: 13 March 2025
Canberra Health Services is looking for a consumer representative to join the Bariatric Surgery Advisory Committee (BSAC).
The role of BSAC is to evaluate whether patients are suitable for publicly funded metabolic bariatric surgery (MBS), specifically laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), to help with weight loss and related health benefits. BSAC members will review summaries of patients referred for MBS, advise on patient suitability for MBS, monitor key performance Indicators, wait times, number of surgeries performed per financial year, average length of stay and post-operative outcomes.
As a consumer representative, you will bring your knowledge of relevant consumer issues to the discussions of the Committee. You will also need to read committee papers before meetings and seek perspectives from peers and networks to inform Committee discussions and decisions.
Meetings are in person at The Canberra Hospital approximately every 2 months.
Download the Bariatric Surgery Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.
You can nominate for this opportunity using the online form, or by calling the HCCA office on 6230 7800.
Please note that you will need to have completed consumer representative training to be endorsed by HCCA to this committee.
For more information about consumer representative training, please visit How to Become a Consumer Representative on our website.
Capital Health Network Clinical Advisory Council
Closing Date: 13 March 2025
Capital Health Network is looking for a consumer representative to join the Capital Health Network Clinical Advisory Council.
The role of the council is to provide advice and feedback to the Capital Health Network (CHN) Board and management about CHN key projects, commissioning initiatives, and strategic objectives. The Clinical Council provide recommendations to the Board on key Commonwealth deliverables and initiatives relating to CHNs priority areas. These areas include whole of health system issues such as:
- health needs of the ACT population
- service gaps, particularly for those experiencing chronic and complex conditions
- major clinical strategic areas including clinical service planning and reform, models of care, innovation and service delivery
- making sure the guidelines align with national and territory guidelines
as well as strategies to:
- improve health care services through investment and innovation
- improve the integration of services in particular local pathways between the primary health care and sub-acute and acute care systems
- improve the safety, quality, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of clinical services
- facilitate and support clinical leadership
This is a high-level committee that would suit an experienced consumer representative. As a consumer representative, you will bring your knowledge of relevant consumer issues to the discussions of the Committee. You will also need to read committee papers before meetings and seek perspectives from peers and networks to inform Committee discussions and decisions.
The council meets minimum 4 times per year in person or online. Each meeting may last 2-3 hours.
Download the Capital Health Network Clinical Advisory Council Terms of Reference.
You can nominate for this opportunity using the online form, or by calling the HCCA office on 6230 7800.
Please note that you will need to have completed consumer representative training to be endorsed by HCCA to this committee.
For more information about consumer representative training, please visit How to Become a Consumer Representative on our website.
Capital Health Network Community Advisory Council
Closing Date: 13 March 2025
Capital Health Network (CHN) is looking for 2 consumer representatives to join the Capital Health Network Community Advisory Council.
The role of the community council is to provide recommendations/advice to the CHN Board and the CEO on:
- priority health needs of the local community
- identifying service gaps, particularly for those experiencing chronic and complex conditions
- Making sure CHN activities, strategies and initiatives are consumer-focused (based on consumer feedback and preferences)
- evaluating activities and outcomes
The Community Advisory Council will also work with CHN’s Advisory Councils and, other community consultation mechanisms via ACT health.
As a consumer representative, you will bring your knowledge of relevant consumer issues to the discussions of the Committee. You will also need to read committee papers before meetings and seek perspectives from peers and networks to inform Committee discussions and decisions.
The Community Advisory Council meets minimum 4 times per year in person at the CHN office or online. Each meeting may last 2-3 hours.
You can Download the Capital Health Network Community Advisory Council Terms of reference.
You can nominate for this opportunity using the online form, or by calling the HCCA office on 6230 7800.
Please note that you will need to have completed consumer representative training to be endorsed by HCCA to this committee.
For more information about consumer representative training, please visit How to Become a Consumer Representative on our website.
Canberra Health Services Policy Document Review Panel
Closing Date: 13 March 2025
Canberra Health Services is looking for a consumer representative to join the Policy Document Review Panel.
The panel’s role is to provide advice to guide policy development. The panel provides oversight of CHS policy documents reviews evaluations of high-risk documents with any relevant lessons learned fed back to divisions, committees or working groups.
The panel makes sure policies are person centred, evidence-based and focused on the needs of consumers and carers, as well as aligning with legislation and other requirements (e.g., National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards).
As a consumer representative, you will bring your knowledge of relevant consumer issues to the discussions of the Committee. You will also need to read committee papers before meetings and seek perspectives from peers and networks to inform Committee discussions and decisions.
The panel meets once a month on every fourth Wednesday from 1 to 3pm.
Download the Canberra Health Services Policy Document Review Panel Terms of Reference.
You can nominate for this opportunity using the online form, or by calling the HCCA office on 6230 7800.
Please note that you will need to have completed consumer representative training to be endorsed by HCCA to this committee.
For more information about consumer representative training, please visit How to Become a Consumer Representative on our website.
National/Interstate Opportunities
None at present
Other opportunities
None at present
Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
None at present